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Catalogue: Identification:

or (exclusive) the coordinates of an object

Coordinates: Epoch: Radius:

A non exhaustive list of 393 missing references (from 1987 to 2002) is available sorted by first author or by bibcode.

If you want to contribute, a template with the fields to provide is available here and detailed explanations are available there.

The main components of SB9 are also available as a gzipped tar ball (download here (current version:2024-06-21 10:17:46.003549186 +0200)).

The last version of the SB9 updated by Dimitri Pourbaix was in 20210302 (download here).

Reference: The correct reference to SB9 is:
"SB9: The ninth catalogue of spectroscopic binary orbits", Pourbaix D., Tokovinin A.A., Batten A.H., Fekel F.C., Hartkopf W.I., Levato H., Morrell N.I., Torres G., Udry S., 2004, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 424, 727-732. The PDF is available here. [204k bytes]

T. Merle

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