INSTRUCTION for entering SB9 data in cif format April 17, 2003 A. Tokovinin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. General ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The SB9 catalogue ( contains updated information on the orbital elements and individual radial velocities of spectroscopic binary stars (including planetary candidates). A flexible 'Combined Input Format' (CIF) is being developed to prepare the data for input into SB9 database. A file like example.cif will be processed by the scripts in awk language (under Unix, type 'man awk' to learn about it) and converted into the standard files example.Main, example.Alias, etc., that can be fed into SB9. The CIF file is processed sequentially, line by line. Each line is separated into words divided by one or several blanks, then the words are interpreted. First words in each line are interpreted as keys indicating the sense of numbers that follow. The parameters following the keys are either set (memorized) or transmitted directly to output. Keys can be entered in arbitrary order. You can modify the keys (e.g. names of the orbital elements) to adapt the format to your data, but the scripts must be changed accordingly. You can split the input information into several files (e.g. put all radial velocities in a separate file). You can 'assemble' several CIF files into a single output. 2. Contents of a CIF file ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Below, sample lines of a CIF file are given. Comment lines (not interpreted by scripts) begin with '#'. Instructions on how to fill the file begin with '#->'. Orbit 1 #-> Number of orbit, typically 1. Change it ONLY if several orbits for #-> the same system are given! #-> Do not forget to re-set to 1 for the next system! Code EXA #-> Code of the 'contributor' - a person or group who enters the data #-> and is responsible for their correctness. System 1 #-> Systems in a given CIF file are numbered sequentially: 1,2,3,... #-> Triple stars with two (short and long) periods and orbits, #-> receive several System numbers, so each System corresponds to a #-> Keplerian orbit. Bibcode 1999A&AS..136..373T #-> Bibcode of the paper where the orbit was published (year, #-> journal, volume, page, first-author initial). #-> It must be given EXACTLY (see ADS, #-> #-> In rare cases when a reference has no bibcode, a letter N is given, #-> and complete reference is provided in Notes. Alias ADS 455 Alias HD 2942 Alias HIP 2583 Alias MISC MyCat 6666 #-> Star designations in various catalogues: catalogue name, number. #-> The following catalogue names are legitimate: HD, HIP, Bayer, #-> Flamsteed, BD, CD, CPD, ADS, GCVS, HR. #-> Other designations are coded MISC plus arbitrary designation 2000 00 32 4909 +28 16 489 #-> Equatorial coordinates for J2000 equinox and epoch. #-> seconds and arcseconds - with 2 and 1 decimals, respectively 1900 00274+2744 #-> Coordinates for 1900: hours, min. with decimals, degrees, arcmin. #-> Leave this field blank if 1900 coordinates are not given in the #-> paper Comp B #-> Visual component in a multiple system which is the spectroscopic #-> binary. Leave blank if not a visual binary. #-> Put 'AB' for unresolved visual components. Mag1 11.80 #-> Magnitude of the spectroscopic primary, or combined magnitude. Filt1 V #-> Photometric band to which Mag1 refers. Sp1 G6V #-> Spectral type of the spectroscopic primary (or star as a whole). Mag2 12.27 #-> Magnitude of the spectroscopic secondary. Leave blank if unknown. Filt2 #-> Photometric band to which Mag2 refers. Sp2 G8V #-> Spectral type of the spectroscopic secondary (if known). P 7.48866 0.00009 #-> Orbital period in days and its rms error. #-> Do not give the error if not provided in the original publication. #-> Put 'fix' for period error if it was fixed in the orbital solution. T0 51060.558 0.162 #-> Epoch of periastron passage, JDH-2400000. #-> For circular orbits T0 is the RV maximum, and omega=0 is fixed. #-> If T0 given is NOT periastron, specify the definition by Tflag. Tflag 0 #-> Meaning of T0: 0-periastron, 1 - primary minimum (if eclipsing), #-> 10 - 'T0' for low-e orbits (zero mean longitude, cf. 1971 AJ 76 544), #-> 11 - primary maximum. e 0.055 0.007 #-> Eccentricity and its error. Put '0 fix' for circular orbits. #-> Note: when elements e,w,V0 are determined separately for primary and #-> secondary components of SB2, the values for primary are given, #-> other values and comment are provided in Notes. w 293.4 8.1 #-> Longitude of periastron, degrees. Put '0 fix' for circular orbits. K1 64.01 0.49 #-> Semi-amplitude of the primary component in km/s. K2 66.34 0.65 #-> Semi-amplitude of the secondary component in km/s. #-> Leave blank for single-lined binaries. V0 -11.16 0.31 #-> Systemic velocity in km/s. rms1 1.37 #-> r.m.s. residual (weighted) for primary component in km/s. #-> Leave blank if not published. rms2 0.87 #-> r.m.s. residual (weighted) for the secondary component in km/s. n1 18 #-> Number of observations of primary used for orbit computing. n2 10 #-> Number of observations of secondary used for orbit computing. Wtflag 1 #-> Weighting of observations. If set, the weights are #-> computed from the observational errors, otherwise they are set to 1. Radvel S1e 4 #-> This key signals the beginning of data on individual radial velocities. #-> The contents of RV data in the SB9 database are: # ------------------------------ #-> Moment of observations JD-2400000 #-> Radial velocity RV (km/s) #-> Measurement error (km/s) [Not the residual O-C !!!] #-> Comp: letters 'a' and 'b' for primary and secondary components, #-> respectively. Any other letters (or blank) in this field indicate #-> that the velocity is not used in orbit computation. #-> Comment: optional field containing additional information (e.g. #-> type of instrument, telescope), to be explained in Notes. # -------------------------------------- #-> Formats of RV data in CIF may differ: it is easier to adapt the awk script #-> that interprets CIF-file that to re-format the original tables. #-> The second parameter 'S1e' indicates the format, the third - comment column #-> Several possible formats are illustrated below. #-> ALWAYS provide a comment line stating the meaning of columns, like: #-> JD V1 V1err V2 V2err Radvel S1e 4 # JD RV Err Comment #-> Single- or double-lined binaries with errors, one component per line RVComp a 49599.527 -27.26 0.93 49600.529 27.85 0.73 Uncertain RvComp b 49599.527 33.81 2.76 49600.529 -55.44 1.56 #-> This format lists the radial velocities of primary (a) and #-> secondary (b) components separately, started by 'RVComp' key. #-> Each line contains the moment of #-> measurement, JDH-2400000, the radial velocity and its rms error. #-> In some papers, O-C (Observed minus Calculated) residuals are #-> provided instead of errors. If you provide O-C, indicate this in the #-> Notes. Radvel S1 3 # JD RV Comment 49599.527 -27.26 49600.529 27.85 :uncertain #-> Single- or double-lined binaries without errors Radvel S1ew 5 # JD RV Err Weight Comment 49599.527 -27.26 0.93 1 49600.529 27.85 0.73 0.1 :uncertain #-> Single- or double-lined binaries with errors and explicit weights Radvel S2e 6 # JD RV1 Err1 RV2 Err2 Comment 49599.527 -27.26 0.93 33.81 2.76 #-> Double-lined binaries with errors, both components together #-> Data for the secondary may be missing on some lines (no Comment then!) Radvel S2 4 # JD RV1 RV2 Comment 49599.527 -27.26 33.81 #-> Double-lined binaries without errors, both components on single line #-> Data for the secondary may be missing on some lines (no Comment then!) Radvel ab 6 # JD RV Err Crap Crap Comp 49975.563 9.83 0.24 162 14.01 a+b 49989.535 36.62 0.32 164 9.29 a 49991.558 22.62 0.27 172 9.74 a 49991.558 52.81 0.68 176 4.61 b #-> Another format: the first letter in COMMENT identifies the #-> component, all following letters (if any) are interpreted as #-> comment. Letter "a" may be omitted. Notes Text of notes... EndNotes #-> Notes should contain information relevant to the orbital elements #-> (how they were calculated, what weights, what other data used, etc.) #-> and to the radial velocities (meaning of the comment field, e.g. #-> flags for data coming from different instruments, possibly with #-> different offsets). 3. From CIF to SB9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Data contained in the CIF file are translated to the format required by SB9 by a set of awk scripts. It is a good idea to verify that the results contain what is needed by doing a trial conversion. Try it by typing at the Unix prompt the following commands: awk -f main.awk example.cif (produces .Main output on the screen) awk -f main.awk example.cif > example.Main (produces the file example.Main) awk -f orbit.awk example.cif (produces .Orbits on the screen) When your information is ready, you may use the script 'sb9' to produce all final output files at once: sb9 example.cif example 1 If the format of data in the Radvel section of the CIF file is special, the script radvel.awk must be modified accordingly. We are working on providing the general script radvel.awk that would cover the majority of data formats using suitable keys in the Radvel section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- end ----------------------------------------------------------------------